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Saints, and Avatars |
Into the Ocean of Divine Bliss |
I was then suffering from excruciating pain because I had not been blessed with a vision of the mother. I felt as if my heart were being squeezed like a wet towel. I was overpowered by a fear that it might not be my lot to realize Her in this life. I could not bear the separation any longer: life did not seem worth living. Suddenly my eyes fell on the sword that was kept in the Mother's temple. Determined to put an end to my life, I jumped up like a madman and seized it, when suddenly the Mother revealed herself to me, and I fell unconscious on the floor. What happened after that externally or how that day or the next passed , I do not know, but within me there was a steady flow of undiluted bliss altogether new, and I felt the presence of the Divine Mother. Later he said about this experience: The buildings with their different parts, the temple, and all vanished from my sight, leaving no trace whatsoever, and in their stead was a limitless, infinite, effulgent ocean of Consciousness or Spirit. |
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Every religion is a path to God |
The human mind trying to fathom the nature of God is like an ant trying to carry away a mountain of sugar. | |
By doing unselfish work, one gains love for God; and gradually, through His grace one attains Him. One sees God, and talks with Him, just as I am talking to you. | |
After Realization, one sees God everywhere. He is most conspicuous in man, and among men, in pure souls - who have not the least hankering for lust and wealth | |
Some blind men happened to come across an elephant. Someone told them what it was and asked them to describe it as it seemed to them. The one who touched the leg said that it was like a column. The second one felt its ear and said it is like a winnowing fan. Similarly, those who had touched its trunk or belly, gave different opinions. So with God, everyone conceives Him according to his experience. | |
People talk glibly about the highest knowledge, but in their everyday lives they are satisfied with the things of the lower plane. | |
You cannot realize Him if you have the least bit of attachment in you. A thread with ever so few ragged fibers won't pass through the eye of a needle. | |
So long as there is the "I" there is duality. The Existence-Knowledge-Bliss Absolute is an ocean, within which is the pitcher 'I'. So long as there is the pitcher, the water seems to be separate - one portion is inside the pitcher and the other outside. When the pitcher breaks, there is one mass of water; and that cannot be expressed in words. Who will do so? |
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"At night when the room was lighted, I never saw her divine form cast any shadows on the walls, , even though I looked closely. From my own room I could hear her going to the upper story of the temple with the delight of a girl, Her anklets jingling. To see if I were not mistaken, I would follow and find Her standing with flowing hair on the balcony of the first floor, looking either at Calcutta, or out over the Ganga." One day a cat near by was mewing as Ramakrishna was making the food offering. He tenderly addressed it saying, 'Mother, art thou eager to eat? Here, Thou mayest have it," at the same time giving the food to the cat. Thus Ramakrishna saw all beings as contained within his blissful Divine Mother. |
Brahman is the only Reality, ever-pure, ever-illumined, ever-free, beyond the limits of time, space, and causation. Though apparently divided by names and forms through the inscrutable agency of Maya (illusion), that enchantress which makes the impossible possible, Brahman is really one and undivided. When a seeker is merged in the beautitude of Samadhi, he does not perceive time and space or name and form - the production of Maya. Whatever is within the domain of Maya is unreal; give it up. Dive deep in the search for Self and be firmly established in It through Samadhi. You will then find the world of name and form vanishing into nothing, and this puny ego merging into cosmic consciousness. |
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